Usage Rights

  • Please feel free to use any of the images showcased on this website. If you use the images, we ask that you cite both our website and the primary source of the image as references.

A majority of dermatologic diseases are presented on white skin in medical education and resources. The purpose of this website is to serve as a reference for students when learning about skin presentations of different disorders. This library provides easier access to a variety of images on different Fitzpatrick skin types.


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Linnea Westerkam
UNC SOM 2023

Anuj Pranav Sanghvi
UNC SOM 2024

Claire Petitt
UAB SOM 2021

Alison Hollis
UNC SOM 2022

Lou Gaghan
UNC SOM 2022

Richard Beckett-Ansa
UNC SOM 2023

Dr. Julie Mervak

Dr. Kurt Gilliland

Dr. Gary Beck Dallaghan
IRB Advisor